Women’s Ministry Paint Night
FPC’s Women’s Ministry will host a Paint Night on March 10th from 7-9pm, in Fellowship Hall. This is the perfect event to invite your friends and neighbors to!
The cost is $30 per person which you need to bring the night of the event. Each participant will receive an 11×14 canvas and paints. Light refreshments will be provided.
We ask that everyone please RSVP by March 5th!
Sign up online by clicking here.
Have questions? Contact Eleanor Vassar at eleanorevassar@gmail.com or Gretchen Bisbort at gbisbortfirstpres@gmail.com
Too late? It’s just me, I’ve had 4 “no” responses
Hi Sheryl! It’s not too late to join us. Gretchen will be in touch 🙂 -Haley