FPC’s Senior Ministry exists to put our senior citizens into action, using their experience and knowledge to serve God’s people and our

Our Senior Ministry now leads a Bible study twice a month at the Mt. Holly Rehabilitation and Wellness Center.

Other opportunities at the center exist for people to lead activities for the residents who have been isolated during the pandemic and eager for friendship and contact.

Several of our members are teachers or aides in the FPC Children’s Sunday School program.


Opportunities exist to help our deacon ministry by driving people who need transportation to appointments or church.

We hope to organize social events for our seniors in the months ahead, creating opportunities to invite friends to join us and to expand our service to our Savior and our community.

Check out this opportunity to read with students in Mt. Holly Schools as a part of our OWLS program.

Questions or Want to get involved?

Contact: Judy Kipp (609.267.1396 or judybunting@yahoo.com)